Leah Kiguatha
Lead Counsel
Leah holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from University of Nairobi, a Master of Laws from Georgetown University in Washington D.C and a Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law. She was admitted to the Roll of Advocates of the High Court of Kenya in 2003. She is a law lecturer at the Kenya School of Law teaching Conveyancing (Real Estate Law).
She has broad experience spanning 19 years in: Family Law Practise including custody and maintenance of children, estate planning, wills and inheritance, divorce and matrimonial property, adoption and guardianship of children; Real Estate Practise including conveyance of land, properties, houses, apartments and flats, residential and commercial developments, creation and registration of charges, mortgages and debentures, leases and tenancies and transactions relating to land.

Leah also sits on the Kenya Board of Kakenya’s Dream – an international organization working to provide education and empowerment to needy girls in TransMara Kenya, is an accredited Mediator and a member of the High Court Family Division Bar Bench Committee the Nairobi Children’s Court Bar Bench Committee, the LSK Gender Committee.

Wangui Waihura Gachuhi
Associate Advocate
Wangui is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya with a speciality in family law. She is an astute litigator and handles adoptions and complex custody, maintenance, matrimonial and succession disputes.
She is an ardent believer and proponent of alternative dispute resolution. She is an accredited mediator with experience negotiating, mediating disputes and representing parties during mediation.
Wangui also enjoys writing, talking and answering questions about the law and its provisions, believing that the law ought to be accessible to and understandable by all.

Onsongo John Okondo
Associate Advocate
L.L.B (HONS) – Kenyatta University School of Law
Post Graduate Diploma (Hons) – Kenya School of Law
Associate – Kiguatha & Company Advocates
Onsongo is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya. He specializes in family law and conveyancing and is firmly committed to placing the client’s needs front and center in the pursuit of justice.

Kaifa John
Legal Assistant

Wanja Maina
Legal Assistant
Wanja is a Law graduate of the Catholic University of East Africa and is pursuing a Diploma in Law (Advocates Training Program) at the Kenya School of Law.

Farook Ooko
Paralegal Support

Muthoni Gichimu
Legal Assistant