Custody and Maintenance

Parents who are not living together have to decide on three major issues:
Legal custody- whether both parents will have legal l rights and responsibilities towards the child or not. This also includes how major decisions regarding the child will be made.
Actual Custody & Access – which of the parents will live with the child, and when and how the child will have parenting time with the other parent.
Maintenance- how the needs of the child will be apportioned between the parents.
Kenya’s Constitution provides that children have equal rights to be cared for, protected and provided for by their parents, whether the parents are married to each other or not. If parents are not living together, our seasoned negotiators and mediators can help you craft a Parental Responsibility Agreement to help you co-parent amicably. If you are not able to agree, we can pursue the matter through Court, where we will assist you to present your case with a view obtain fair co-parenting orders on custody, access and maintenance in the best interests of your child.