Matrimonial Property

Kenyan law gives married people interest in property acquired during the marriage even if that property is in one spouse’s name. By law, this interest is determined based on the parties’ contribution to the acquisition or development of the property. However, spouses are also at liberty to agree on a mode of distribution that works for them. Our lawyers will help you craft a pre-nuptial agreement before you enter a marriage, a post-nuptial agreement during the course of your marriage or a family settlement agreement if the marriage has broken down.
If you and your spouse are not able to agree and you are looking to go your separate ways, or you have already gone through the divorce process, we can represent you in Court to obtain your fair share of the matrimonial property.
If your rights to matrimonial property are threatened by the actions of your spouse or former spouse, we also can help you safeguard your property by registering your interest against the title or obtaining a Court order declaring your rights and protecting your portion of the property.